Our Partners

Sports Empire Network
Website: www.sportsempirenetwork.com
Freddie & Key of the SPORTS EMPIRE NETWORK came to us looking for Hockey content on their social media platforms (A great source for podcasts of almost every sport you can imagine) The partnership gave TWO GUYS & HOCKEY TALK a new streaming platform to create a new ‘LIVE’ podcast which airs weekly with real ‘LIVE’ interaction during the one-hour show. Viewers can still catch the ‘LIVE” stream afterwards from the recorded podcast show which are being watched from all around the globe (United States, Croatia, Ukraine, England, Russia, Sweden, etc.. and of course Canada).
JR Web Designs
Website: www.jr-webdesigns.com
Our newest partnership comes with JR Web Designs, who has afforded TWO GUYS & HOCKEY TALK to be able to gather easy access to their social media platforms and provide a forum to watch former guests through a quick click on the new website. This means one of our newest projects we wanted to release, is a BLOG for posting Hockey writings by various writers around anything on hockey in general.

Penny Billionaires
Website: www.pennybillionaires.com
Greg Jacks, the former member of Multi-platinum Grammy, MTV, and NRJ Award-Winning-Band, Superbus, has teamed up with Phoenix-based Singer/Songwriter, Evan Berg to create Penny Billionaires, an electronic-fused hard rock duo garnering influences from bands such as Linkin Park, Disturbed, 3 Days Grace, and Papa Roach.